The Flipboard EDU Podcast
Flipboard EDU Podcast
Episode 93: Insights on Effective Feedback for Teachers from Randy Richards

Episode 93: Insights on Effective Feedback for Teachers from Randy Richards

In this episode of the Flipboard EDU Podcast, we're honored to present an in-depth interview with inspiring educator and former administrator Randy Richards. With over a decade of experience in teaching and administration, Randy shares her journey from the business world to the classroom, highlighting the importance of timely, kind, and actionable feedback in schools.

Randy's motivational approach to teaching and administration has led her to make significant contributions in teacher support and development. We discuss the challenges and rewards of a teacher's first year and delve into the insights that can help both educators and administrators thrive.

Randy also shares her first book, "Before the First Day," aimed at encouraging new teachers, and discusses her future ventures in educational consulting. Tune in for an engaging conversation filled with practical advice and heartfelt encouragement for educators and administrators alike.

Throughout the episode, we explore:

  • Randy Richards' background and transition from the business world to education

  • The importance of clear, kind, and actionable feedback in schools

  • Randy's motivational approach to teaching and administration

  • Challenges and rewards of the first year of teaching

  • Insights on supporting educators and administrators

  • Randy's book, "Before the First Day," and where to find it

  • Future plans and ventures in teacher professional development and administrative coaching

  • The impact of reduced funding for education in Texas

  • Personal transitions

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**Keywords:** Randy Richards, education, teaching, administration, professional development, feedback, new teachers, educational consulting, The Grain LLC, first-year teaching challenges, book for new teachers, Texas education funding, teacher support

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The Flipboard EDU Podcast
Flipboard EDU Podcast
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